Recollections: (回顧共兩篇,均中英雙語 ) ( first 2 articles bilingual ) (曾修正增長)
(1) 2006北京交流會回顧 Reflection of Sahaja Yoga Beijing Seminar (English text follows)
有一位北京的新練習者, 竟是十年前在現場聽過鍚呂瑪塔吉兩次北京演講,十年後才有機緣,及時找回霎哈嘉的大家庭,並有幸出席這次難得而且有歷史意義的活動。
這次活動有多點頗具意義,上天安排很多事的象徵意義也值得細味。例如除夕夜我們唱霎哈嘉的神聖拜讚歌一直到午夜跨越新年。然後跳起舞來,到深夜才放煙火點砲竹 (經過十多年,今年剛好解禁),最後按傳統吃過餃子才結束。
第二天早餐後我們就動身登長城。在山上的長城城台中一同高唱拜讚歌、劃班丹、唸口訣 (Allah ho Akbar)、還向著「塞外」(內) 吹貝殼號角。這麼多霎哈嘉「戰士」在中國的長城上享受這種霎哈嘉的歡樂,還要在大年初一發生,真要感恩。
/ Kurter Pyjama),便是穿中國傳統服飾來迎接新一年的開始。供品之中當然少一了一些傳統小吃。
回想十年前,香港霎哈嘉瑜伽代表團出席聯合國非政府組織論壇時中國大陸跟本沒有一個華人霎哈嘉士。當時得到外籍朋友相助,住在她家也只離懷柔20分鐘車程。當時她兒子告訴我們,他來了北京半年未見過藍天,但我們一到達就連續兩天有藍天白雲。這次霎哈嘉瑜伽再創奇蹟,為北京帶來祥瑞之氣:在長城上我們念畢Allah ho Akbar也見藍天白雲現身。連北京練習者也說沒有想到懷柔會有這樣的天空。
這次活動的度假村位於山上一處叫「蓮花池」的地段,表演的瑜伽館叫「蓮芳 」。跟半年前首個中國交流會地點番禺「蓮花山」相應,可有上天安排的含意?
記得最後一天,一位剛認識的北京練習在午飯閒聊時說:「霎哈嘉很快就會在中國遍地開花。」回到香港不到一星期,象洪姐電郵中交來竟有15位北京練習者的名單,爭取參加下月在印度舉行的普祭,並為母親賀壽。Amazing 大躍進! 合十。
Jay Shri Mataji!
侯輝 2006/2/9
1) 因為春節是中國人的大日子,很多人要返鄉過年,否則參加人數可能會多一倍。但香港與大陸的長假日期不同,我們唯有這樣安排,才爭取到這麼多香港參習者參與。
2) 要在華北的冬天搞戶外火祭,事前的確有些人擔心會否太冷。但負責籌備的幾位總覺得,如果可以的話,一定要搞。何況北京的練習者這麼渴望參加一次大型而且「完整版本」(套用他們的話)的火祭。結果一連多天都得到上天關顧,提供了最合適的天氣。我們到埗時,氣溫都一直是負五到零度左右。離營後第二天一直下降,回港港才下跌到負二十度,還下了大雪呢。 (2006/2/10)
3) 有關蓮花和中國的關係,昨天還想起原來還再有多一項。1998年當象洪剛得到自覺,在北京沒有集體,獨個兒修煉時,一天她夢見一朵光彩奪目、盛開的白蓮花,同時,口中高詠“蓮花盛開,世界和平 ”。(參考 或 ) 獨力拓荒好幾年,半年內經驗了蓮花山和懷柔交流會,她定必老懷安慰。(2006/2/12)
(1) Reflection of Sahaja Yoga Beijing Seminar (translation)
The Seminar in Beijing was held during Chinese New Year, 28 January to 2 Feb, 2006 in a resort hotel up the mountain at Hairou County right below some broken sections of the ancient Great Wall at outskirt Beijing ( one hour by car from downtown),.
More than 10 yogi/nis plus 2 kids from Hong Kong took a flight of several hours to attend. Those twenty something from Mainland China mainly come from the local collective of Beijing and nearby Tianjin City, but there were also those who travelled 24 hours by train from Guanzhou or Shengzhen, and those who traveled 10 hours by train from Shanghai. We also had 3 very experienced expat yogis with us.
The location is also historical for Sahaja Yoga's first official presence in China. Hairou County was the location of the NGO forum in which Sahaja Yoga Delegation from HK and other parts of the world attended in 1995. The Forum was run parallel and 1 week prior to the UN World Women's Conference in which Shri Mataji attended as a guest speaker. Then there was a public program at night on the same day organized by HK yogis at the hotel she stayed.
In this seminar, there was a new yogini who in 1995 attended “both” Shri Mataji’s public speeches and could only recently get in touch with the Beijing collective and lucky enough to join this historic event after 10 years of loosing contact.
By divine arrangements, there were several things and happening very significant and symbolic. For example Sahaja Bhajans were kept singing all night long on New Year Eve till the new year day arrived and then we danced with joy, and then enjoyed firecrackers and fireworks which was just made legal again after a ban of more than 10 years. The night was concluded after dumplings were eaten, as part of the Chinese tradition.
After breakfast, we climbed a part of the Great Wall hardly any tourist tried. It was really unforgettable and joyful to sing bhajans, chant Allah ho Akbar, do bandhans, and blow the conch on the Great Wall of China, with so many Sahaja “soldiers” together. It also happened right on the New Year Day.
Back to the
camp, a beautiful resort, we performed a havan to Shri Mahakali and then at
night a Chinese New Year Puja to Shri Mahalashmi.
As for the havan, with limited time
and manpower, the fire turned out to be the biggest and best arranged ever in
Sahaja Yoga history on China soil.
During the puja, not only were there
sari or kurter pyjamas, many
put on traditional Chinese costume to welcome the Chinese New Year and we
prepared some Chinese snacks as Prasad.
On the second day we had a sharing session in which the local collective took part quite actively. Their touching stories could be concluded by terms of“sincerity” and “Divine all pervading love”. They made my eyes wet with some tears. And, feeling such Divine blessing showering on Beijing, I could only responded with heartfelt gratitude and joy. I really hope these stories would be made in writing later so as to spread in the internet and turned into more tools for spreading dharma and god’s all-pervading love.
Reflecting on our trip 10 years ago in Beijing attending the NGO Forum in Summer 1995, there were not any Chinese Sahaji in Mainland China at all. At that time we stayed in the house of a expat fiend of a HK yogi, just 20 minutes by car from Hairou County. Her son told us that in his 6 months of staying in Beijing he had not seen blue sky even once. But when we arrived, there were two days of beautiful sky he longed for. This time again, Sahaja Yogis not only created miracles, but also once more brought auspicious “chi” for Beijing - On the Great Wall, after all the Sahaja activities we have done, blue sky appeared again. Even local yogis said they did not expect to see such sky colour in Rairou County.
On the last day, after we left the resort, we performed bhajans in downtown at a yoga studio, which is named as “Lotus Fragrance”. Of course the two Chinese bhajans in Mandarin had their historic significance in such context. Also, co-incidentally (by divine coordinated incidence), our seminar venue was located in a place where local villagers call it “ Lotus Pond”. Was there any message revealing if we know that the first ever China Seminar half year ago in Guangzhou, that area is called “ Lotus Hill”.
Reflecting on the last lunch in camp, a Bj yogi newly known said during a chat, “Sahaj will surely soon blossom all over China.”
One week after returning to HK, Xianghong sent up a list of 15 Bj Sahajis wishing to attend the pujas in India in coming March and to celebrate Mother’s birthday. Amazing quantum leap.
Jay Shri Mataji.
Edwin Hou (hongkong)
1) Because Chinese New Year is the biggest festival for all Chinese and it may be the only time of the year people return to home town to enjoy union dinner with the family, otherwise we should have double the number of mainland yogis, especially from the North and Central part of China. Such arrangement is inevitable due to the different holiday timing between Hong Kong and Mainland yogis. Otherwise we could not have so many HK yogis able to support.
2) Preparing outdoor havan in winter time of Northern China once made some people worry about the possibility. But due to our desire, God gave us the most suitable weather. (The Bj yogis said they want a “full version”)When we just arrived at Beijing, the temperature lingered around minus 5 to zero degree Celsius. Two days after the camp finished, it kept dropping and when we returned to HK, there was a big fall of snow, at minus 20 degrees.
3) Yesterday I thought of acturally one more connection between lotus and China in Sahaj history. In 1998 after Xianghong just got her Self-Realisation in Beijing, she dreamt of a radiant white lotus in blossom and she was praising aloud “Lotus in blossom, world in peace !” Now after several years of practicing alone without a collective, and experienced the two milestone seminars on China soil within just half a year, Xianghong should be very pleased with the beautiful results of her pioneer work. (2006.2.12)
(2) 2006北京交流會回憶錄 (English text follows)
一次很難忘的經歷…… 最深刻體會到的是能成為母親的工具,那是一件人生中最美好的事情。當你成為母親的工具,母親會好好照顧你,愛你,讓你知道無時無刻她在你當中,而你亦在她心中。
很有意思,我們一班霎哈嘉士在大年初一踏上(正確一些是爬)長城,由4歲到60歲一起登上我們祖國的偉大建築。我雖然還很年青,但要這個少少胖多多可愛的身軀登上陡峭而未修復的長城殘段,真是不易;加上平時缺少做運動,就要用盡四肢的力撐上去,天氣又冷,實在是十分辛苦。沿途我心中只是不停的想 “我不是這個身體……我只是一個純潔的靈”,”要上到頂輪”。終於,到了其中一個烽火台,我已經虛脫,完全無氣無力。當時我只想有一張床讓我好好睡覺。隨即有人開始唱Jogawa,原本很想一齊唱,但實在太倦了,就連抬起手來拍掌的力氣也沒有。我已經不敢想像如何下山。我只好在心中靜靜的跟著唱 “Ude Bai, Ude Bai, Ude Bai, Ude!” 唱了大約二段之後,奇蹟就出現。我突然全身充滿了能量,能載歌載舞。全因為Kundalini(靈量)被喚醒,與上天大我連接後,母親給我們的愛的能量 ── 這個經驗告訴我知:Kundalini一旦被喚醒,就能冲破一切肉身層面的問題。之後,我們一起為祖國做班丹,又一起站在長城上大聲念Allah ho Akbar,就這樣,原本一貫灰蒙蒙的北京天空,竟出現了很美的太陽,還有充滿能量的藍天…… 這一切一切彷彿是母親要向我們啓示︰她的心已留在中國,她的心已留在我們每個人心中。
第二點想分享的是有關交換能量。可能自己一向都有左喉輪的問題,認為自己能量不好,又怕自己不好的能量通過交換能量令對方不好受。所以之前,我較少主動同別人交換能量。不過,經過這次交流會,我有一個新的體會。第一晚的活動就是交換能量,我向三、四個練習者發放能量,每一次開頭時,都感到全身都熱,但這樣不重要,而最重要的是一提升Kundalini以及很用心對母親祈禱希望她來我們當中,她到我們的頂輪時,所有感覺都不同了…… 此外,我深心感受到我們不只是在交換能量,而是深心感受母親的愛在我們之間溫柔地慢慢流動著。我與他們相處只是短短的三、四天,但那種的交流是很深刻的,彷彿經已連繫在一起了。
Shri Mataji﹗這裡就是神的國度﹗Shri Mataji的偉大降世,令我們終於能重新一次回到創造及孕育天地萬物的天父地母的懷抱中,好好享受這宇宙中愛的大海洋﹗
Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi
Ki-Jay ! Ki-Jay!Ki-Jay ﹗
( 撰文: 育婷 2006/2/7 香港)
(2) Beijing Seminar 2006 Recollection ( translation)
What an unforgettable experience. Now I deeply realize how beautiful it is in one’s life to become an instrument of Mother. When you become Mother's instrument, Mother looks after you well, loves you, and lets you know she stays constantly with you, but you also stay in Her heart.
Very meaningfully, we Sahaja Yogis, from 4 year-old up to 60 year-old, on the Lunar New Year's Day together went up ( more correctly somewhat crawled up) the Great Wall, the magnificent architecture of our motherland. Although I am still very young, with this body being a somewhat overweight and so much lovable creature, hiking up the steep and un-recovered broken sections of the Great Wall was really not something easy; in addition, i usually lack physical exercise, together with the cold weather, i had to exhaust all my four limbs to persist on the journey, which was really extremely laborious. Along the way in my heart I only kept thinking "I am not this body... I am only a pure spirit ", " I should go up to the Sahasrara ". At last, when we arrived at a beacon tower, I was already drained off, completely exhausted. At that time I only desire a bed to take a good sleep .
At that moment some started to sing “Jogawa”. Originally I really wanted to join , but I was really too weak and tired to do so, even without any strength to clap the hands. I already dared not imagine how to descend from the mountain. I could only silently sing in heart "Ude Bai, Ude Bai, Ude Bai, Ude!"
After about two stanzas, miracles appeared. Suddenly my whole body was filled with energy, I could sing and dance. All because the Kundalini was awakened, connecting to the universal Oneness of the Divine, then Mother granted us the energy of love - - this experience simply tells us: once Kundalini is awakened, one can break through all problems of this mortal body. Afterwards, together we did bhandans for our Motherland China, also stood together on the Great Wall we loudly chanted “Allah ho Akbar”. As such, in the usually grey Beijing sky there unexpectedly appeared the very beautiful sun, and a blue sky filled with energy... With all this, as if Mother wants to reveal to us︰ She has left Her heart n China, and her heart stays in the heart of each single one of us.
The second thing to share relates to exchanging vibration. Possibly I usually suffer from left side problems, and keep thinking my own vibration is not good, and fear my own bad vibration will make others feel uncomfortable. Therefore, in the past, I seldom actively join exchanging vibration with others. However, after this seminar, I acquire a new experience and understanding. During the first night activity, I give vibration to three or four local yogis, at the beginning all of them made me feel hot throughout the body , but that was not important at all. The most important thing is but as soon as the Kundalini rose up, together with our heartfelt prayer for Mother to be with us, to stay at our Sahasrara Chakra, all the feelings was completely different... ... In addition, I deeply felt that we were not only exchanging vibration, but also enjoying the slow and gentle flow of Mother's love among us. Getting along together only for a short period of three or four days, but that kind of exchange is very profound, as if already we are connection together.
During the session of experience sharing, I was really touched. How great is the Divine ﹗ A Beijing yogini told the story how she became blind ten years ago due to her job. She tried many methods but could not be cured. But after practicing Sahaja for about eight months, slowly she can see things, and again picked up her confidence towards life; Another yogini told that her elder sister used to suffer from serious skin problem of allergy and suffer from strong pain and swelling on both legs so she could hardly walk by herself. However, after practising Sahaja for only a month, obviously the skin problem and swelling of the legs started to abate. Now she can go out and drive alone. Immediately it reminded me of the Gospel, in which Jesus Christ performed miracles, making the blind see, causing the leper no longer suffer from evil experience...Nowadays in society, this kind of miracles appear again. God always loves us (humanity), only that we cannot connect with Him. Jay Shri Mataji ﹗ Here it is God’s domain ﹗ With the great advent of Shri Mataj, we finally are able again to return to Father in Heaven and Mother on Earth who create and nourish the whole universe, and now we enjoys the big ocean of universal love ﹗
Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki-Jay ! Ki-Jay!Ki-Jay ﹗
By Yuk-ting ( of Hong Kong Collective)
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2. (蓮芳瑜伽)那邊論壇也有一些圖片 ( Some pictures available in the BBS of the yoga studio (LianFong
Yoga). Kamala the director also attended the Bj Seminar
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