welcoming banner |
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- ( 30/ 7 Saturday) Morning activities prepared for early arrived yogis by advance troop:
meditation, Mother's tape, learn the AUM sound, some mantras, and sing
some bhajans (TV room, villa suite)
先頭部隊為早到達者準備的早上活動: 入靜、看鍚呂瑪塔吉錄像、
梵音簡介、口訣、拜讚歌 (別墅套房)
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Alex is the first to arrive
before lunch,
by speed ferry alone
乘船到埗 |
Then more HK &Taiwan yogis arrived in groups.
By Mother's amazing grace, we were suddenly
offered the President Suite as new venue at standard room rate only |
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Welcoming address,
briefing, meditation, bhajans
( 有聲短片 Video
clip) |
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仲夏雨後的蓮花池 Lotus pond
after rainy days in Summer |
洗手吃飯 wash hands
before entering the dinning hal |
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A hundred people
congratulate Jason and Jenny,
who got married in HK just
one day before the seminar 一天前才成婚的新人得百人祝賀,以茶代酒。 |
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A long rainy day so we cancelled the havan. But in last minute changed our mind to
go ahead. Before havan, Alex asked us to look at the hole
among the thin rainy clouds |
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though we had no choice:
no good wood around
worst though the wood
was wet, nor did we bring sammagri,
and did not have even a drop
of oil
(staff could
not provide even butter
in short notice), it was still a
nice and unforgettable havan |
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一滴油也沒有。 也只可找到
結果大家仍能享受這次難忘經驗 |
31/ 7 (Sunday) |
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