第一段: 耶誕普祭(普那大球場) 22-27/12
Part one- Christmas Puja at Pune Stadium (Sports City)
6-7:30清晨靜坐- 旅程的難忘 且重要部分
Morning Meditation - nice experience and important part of the trip
結束後場外仍有很多人延續這集体修行 一同早禱、內省、洁淨... outside the basketball court - still lots of things happening - carried on with collective practice -prayer, introspection, cleansing...
外面也竟有早茶提供 morning tea was served outside the basketball court
Dining area of foreigners - yogis from Mainland China, HK, Taiwan met with joy
Suddenly we heard the news of a morning music programme- something we could not effort to miss
Well-disciplined but joyful yogis - Hope we are not spoilt by all the joy and blessings that comes so easily
自律但充滿喜悅的瑜伽士, 希望我們真的沒有被寵壞 - 一切福澤與 喜樂來得實在太容易
終來到這個晚上...耶誕普祭 - 旅程的焦點。 Get ready to X'mas Puja- Climax of the trip
SM did not say a word, - a short but powerful Puja that triggered a lot of introspection among yogis
晚飯貴賓 10pm late dinner